These days, daycare for young children is about far more than somewhere safe to leave your child or children. Kids, from toddlers to preschoolers, need to get a head start in life and they can achieve that when you choose an early education centre.
The way to choose the best childcare centre for you and your child is to first understand what you’re looking for and to do your research. This post is going to offer tips and advice on how to choose the best early child care center and highlight the characteristics of a good daycare centre. So let’s get started.
Don’t Just Go for Childcare, Go for Education
Not all daycare facilities focus heavily on educating children. Some are childminding services while some others may provide some light education in the mix.
Instead, focus on finding a centre that has an education curriculum. This way, you’ll know that your young child is receiving a grounding in education basics, while at the same time having fun with other kids in a secure and safe environment.
Centres that focus on both the STEM and THRASS education systems are a great starting point, as these programs definitely equip children with the basics in academics before they start school.
Does the Centre Focus On Personal and Physical Development?
Education and learning at an early age aren’t all about learning how to read or add up. Children are at an impressionable age and an age where their minds and bodies are rapidly developing. What you’ll want to know is whether a daycare centre focuses on activities that build a child’s self-confidence, social skills, ability to communicate effectively and so on.
You’ll also want to enroll your child in a centre that conducts fun games and physical activities that keep kids fit and help their developing bodies to grow strong.
Find a Centre That Has a School Readiness Program
School readiness is all about preparing young kids for the school years ahead. An integral part of getting kids school ready is to give them a grounding in education and academics, as mentioned in a previous section. This is only part of the program though.
Ultimately, children will start the school years with a sense of confidence and independence that they’ve developed over time during the school readiness program. They’ll have social skills, can communicate and starting school won’t feel totally foreign or scary.
Is the Curriculum Well Rounded?
Ultimately, you’ll want to enrol your child in an early education centre that offers a well rounded curriculum of activities that include both learning and fun. When kids are enjoying themselves, they naturally learn better and develop physically, emotionally and mentally at a faster rate.
A well rounded education system won’t just focus heavily on boring and mundane tasks. Activities provide a good blend of the essentials while ensuring that children are constantly focused and engaged in the task at hand.
Things like music and creative pursuits and activities should also be included in the curriculum to ensure a well rounded and interesting program.
What To Look for In a Daycare Checklist
As a bit of a summary and for easy reference, here’s a quick checklist of what to look for in a daycare early learning facility:
- Check their operating hours
- Do they offer the STEM and THRASS education programs?
- Is good nutrition encouraged?
- Ensure the centre has a school readiness program
- They offer a well rounded curriculum
- Children enjoy physical activity
- There are activities for personal development
- The atmosphere is positive and fun
- The centre is safe and secure
- Parents can access their child’s daily information
- There are outdoor play areas for fresh air and fitness
- Creative activities and pursuits are encouraged for brain development
Choose An Endeavour Early Education Centre
Endeavour Early Education centres are focused on providing a safe and fun environment for young children. At our centres, kids develop both their bodies and minds, build healthy self-esteem, learn to interact with others, receive a grounding in academics, will go through a school readiness program and discover the pleasures of healthy eating and good nutrition.
To learn more about what our centres can offer you and your child, just give us a call today.